Mabapi le Voco
Khamphani ea VOCO ke mofani oa tharollo ea sebaka se le seng bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa moea tse hatelitsoeng ho latela litlhoko tsa bareki. Re bile indastering ena ka lilemo tse 10+, re lula re boloka sehlahisoa sa rona sa boleng bo holimo! 'Me lilemong tsa morao tjena re boetse re thehile mofuta oa rona oa thekiso ea fektheri "GiantAir" ea AIR COMPRESSOR. Lihlahisoa tse ka sehloohong tsa GiantAir Compressor tse kenyelletsang screw air compressor, compressor ea mahala ea oli, turbo compressor, vacuum pompo, blower ea moea, sehatsetsi se omisang moea, se omisang moea sa desiccant, litanka tse amohelang moea le likarolo tse ling tsa moea. Joaloka pula-maliboho ho theknoloji ea tlhahiso ea screw compressor, GiantAir Compressor e ikemiselitse ho sebetsa hantle haholo. Ha re fane feela ka litharollo tsa moea tse ka tšeptjoang, tse sebetsang hantle le tse matla, empa hape re ka fana ka litšebeletso tsa OEM, tšebeletso ea ODM le tšebeletso ea koetliso. Re lula re ema sethaleng sa bareki ba rona mme re etsa hore sehlahisoa sa rona se be se ikhethang le se khetholloang ho tloha 'marakeng. Ka ho sebelisa screw air end ea rona ka theknoloji ea Jeremane ho li-screw compressor tsa rona, re na le ts'epo ea ho fana ka sehlahisoa le litšebeletso tse tšoanelehang ho bareki. GiantAir Compressor e lula e fana ka lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo botle ka theko e ntle, e le ho etsa hore khoebo ea hau e be bonolo le e loketseng 'maraka oa hau,' me e lebise ho holisa khoebo ea rona le ho theha boleng hammoho.
Re nka mehato e menyane ho fihlela lipheo tse kholo--Moshoelella.
Re fetola tsoelo-pele e tsitsitseng le likhopolo tse tala hore e be liketso tse sebetsang. Ka ho kenyelletsa lipatlisiso tse tala le nts'etsopele ea ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso, lihlahisoa tsa rona li phethoa ka litaba tse se nang tikoloho. Ka theknoloji e ncha le litsebo tse tsoetseng pele, re theha ts'ebetso e phahameng, tšebeliso e tlase ea matla, lerata le tlase, tšilafalo e tlase, le lihlahisoa tse tšoarellang. Khabareng ea nts'etsopele ea ka ho sa feleng, re ela hloko ka ho khetheha khotsofalo ea tikoloho, re fa meloko ea rona e latelang tokelo le monyetla oa ho ama le ho utloa tlhaho.
Mehato e menyane ea ho fihlela lipheo tse kholo
⬤ Lerata le tlaase
⬤ Ts'ebetso e phahameng
⬤ Ho boloka matla
⬤ E tšoarella
⬤ E na le botsoalle ho tikoloho